Monday, November 17, 2008

I have just read 80 pages of The picture of Dorian Grey...
Can you imagine that we would never grow old?? This is a tricky question I guess.It would be very stressful for me to get freezed in one period of life...Doesn't life make sense in its continuity? It's unbelievable how we change though. How many faces and how many contradictory opinions can one have? This leads to another question...Who am I then? Do I exist in unity or am I split up into different but equal me? ...Let's get back to the fact that we grow old...As Shakespeare wonderfully uncovered, we all have certain periods of life...We are born,we are children......We are teenagers and then adults...And after that long period our life is cropped and only what's important remains...And this is old-age, the most precious age.....I have always wanted to peep under the surface....If this growing older will help me in this effort, I appreciate it very much. Good night...