Saturday, October 25, 2008

What is reality???

This Friday I was waiting on my philosophy lesson and talking to my friend, when a man in apparently worn-out coat rushed into the auditorium. It was him. Our philosophy teacher.The Plan of this philosophy course is 11 lectures with 11 different teachers, so everytime it's very challenging to guess an appearance of a teacher. This time it was exactly the type you would call "a philosopher" and you would certainly believe that his uncle was Aristoteles himself...
We followed him into the auditorium and than a drama started. Basically the lesson was about our perception of reality and what reality actually is. He brought a red mug full of coffee and started arguing that it is a mug for him, but for someone else it is actually a pot. This teacher was so convincing that I believed it was a mug for a moment and for the next moment I believed it was a pot. must be damn difficult to live a life like admit that there is no universal reality.
His handwritting was of a strange style exactly of a philosopher's one. He was very distracted, but that I appreciate maybe the most. I think that his effort would be spoilt by a whirlwind of some cool philosophical words. Instead of this he used extremely simple vocabulary, but the target was least my target. So the conlusion is this.....Reality is complicated but simply describable......The end of my rambling......for today;)